The Whitewater Community Food Pantry (WCFP) wants to let the community know that individuals and families in need of help who live in the school district can now come every 3 weeks for all “monthly” groceries (cereal, soup, canned goods, meat, dairy, bakery, etc.,) and weekly for bread (from Panera and Walmart), pizza and milk. The WCFP’s guidelines have changed due to the current COVID-19 situation. We are located at 146 W. North Street on the second floor of the “Old” Armory. We ask all patrons to wear masks and practice social distancing. No more than five patrons are allowed on the pantry floor at a time. Hours are still 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. on Wednesday & Thursday. We appreciate the generous donations from Festival Foods, the Hunger Task Force and the numerous private donations of pizza, milk, etc.