Highlights of the Virtual Common Council Meeting of May 19
- City Manager Cameron Clapper reported that there have been COVID-19 outbreaks (defined as two or more positive tests in a certain period of time) in at least two area businesses recently. Citizens are still encouraged to practice physical distancing, wear masks, and not to gather with people outside their household.
- It is hoped that free Coronavirus testing by a National Guard mobile site will be scheduled in Whitewater in the near future.
- The first reading was approved of an ordinance that would prohibit the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in the city. Councilmember Brienne Brown introduced the ordinance, indicating that the vast majority of dogs and cats that are sold in pet stores come from “puppy and kitty mills,” which are known to have conditions that contribute to ill health and poor sociability of the animals. A number of citizens, including representatives of several animal shelters, spoke in favor of the ordinance, which would not prohibit adoptions of dogs and cats from nonprofit shelters. It was indicated that, although similar ordinances have been adopted in many cities around the country, no municipalities in Wisconsin have yet done so.
- The second reading was approved amending fees charged to those in violation of the grass cutting ordinance.
- A contract was awarded to Payne & Dolan, Inc. in the amount of $194,920.75 for pulverizing and paving Wisconsin Street from Milwaukee Street to Coburn Lane and Starin Road from Park Street to Fremont Street, together with paving the Dog Park parking lot and Moraine View Park parking lot.
- Sale of surplus city-owned vehicles and equipment through auction was approved.
- The following citizens were appointed to boards and commissions: Board of Zoning Appeals – Patrick Taylor; Community Involvement & Cable TV – Lukas Schreiber; Community Development Authority – Jon Kachel; Disability Rights – Joanna Marr Baker; Landmarks – Pat Blackmer; Plan and Architectural Review – David Stone; Urban Forestry – Nicholas Alt. At the May 5 meeting Dan Currier and John Sotherland were appointed to the new Pedestrian and Bike Committee. Appreciation was expressed for the willingness of these persons to serve the community in this way.
- No action was taken on a proposal to purchase 104 acres of vacant land in the area of Highway 12, Highway P, and Willis Ray Road.