Clearing Snow from Fire Hydrants can Save Lives

Editor’s note: The following press release was received from the City of Whitewater Public Works Department.

– Clearing Snow from Fire Hydrants can Save Lives…

A clearly visible, accessible fire hydrant could save your home – or even your life. If a fire hydrant is buried in
snow, firefighters can lose valuable time trying to locate it when they arrive at a fire. You can perform a
valuable public service and protect yourself, your family and your neighbors by taking on the responsibility of
shoveling out and clearing a fire hydrant near your home during and after a snowstorm. Here are a few

  • Know the location of the nearest fire hydrants.
  • Make sure they are shoveled after each snowfall.
  • Clear the snow 3 feet around the hydrant so firefighters have enough room to use the hydrant.

    Taking the time to remove the snow from around a hydrant near you can save precious minutes in case of a
    fire. The City of Whitewater appreciates community members who take the time to shovel out hydrants.

    Brad Marquardt
    Director of Public Works
    (262) 473-0560
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