By Al Stanek
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff
December 23, 2020
Competing City of Whitewater concerns for the impact of a newly revised sign ordinance on existing and incoming city businesses led to a two hour plus “first reading” of the document that had been under development since August by the City’s Plan and Architectural Review Commission. The Common Council, at its December 15 meeting, ultimately moved the proposal forward for final action in January to allow time for any existing businesses that might be contemplating signage changes to get familiar with any of the changes in the proposal.
City Planner Chris Munz-Pritchard explained that she had uncovered documents recommending signage regulation changes dating back to when Walmart came to town. The main issue was that outdated ordinances required a cumbersome Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for larger businesses. She pointed out that she has several businesses and developers with adopted or proposed plans to locate in Whitewater that are awaiting adoption of the new sign ordinance to avoid, what many consider, outdated sign dimension requirements.
Munz-Pritchard’s recommendation for quick action conflicted with Common Council member Jim Allen’s concern that local businesses should “have the opportunity for review and provide input” on any proposed changes before they are officially adopted.
City Attorney Wally McDonell pointed out that the impact of a complex and confusing U.S. Supreme Court ruling regarding private signing regulation was an additional impetus for getting Whitewater’s ordinance updated soon. Several surrounding communities have already done so or are in the process.
At the urging of Common Council member Brienne Brown, the Common Council ultimately agreed that the somewhat controversial nature of the noncommercial court ruling can be reviewed and adjusted at a later date while the revised signing requirements for commercial signs should be adopted at the January 16 meeting, which provides local business owners an opportunity to review the proposed changes. City businesses or interested citizens may view the current draft by clicking here and selecting “City of Whitewater Final Sign Ordinance Draft” or by requesting a copy by emailing or calling the City’s Neighborhood Services Department at 262-473-0144.
In an unrelated matter, Munz-Pritchard, who has served as the City’s Neighborhood Services Director and City Planner for over 6 years, announced that she is leaving her position to return to employment with Rock County where she has been offered a planning position with greater responsibilities. Her last day in Whitewater will be January 8. “I have really enjoyed my time here,” said Munz-Pritchard. “I have been blessed with a Plan and Architectural Review Commission with a wide range of skills and viewpoints. I will miss them but am looking forward to the challenges of my new position.”