City of Whitewater Seeks Community Members to fill Board Positions

The City of Whitewater invites community members to continue to make Whitewater an exceptional community in which to live, work and play.  There are Board member openings/renewals  on:

BIRGE FOUNTAIN COMMITTEE –   Oversees maintenance of Birge Fountain.  Meet several times a year, normally on Wednesdays.

BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS – Hear requests from property owners for variance to the Zoning Code.  Alternate and regular positions open.  Meet 4th Thursday of a month if there is a case.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.   Promote economic development within Community.

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND CABLE TV COMMISSION – Coordinate community outreach and engagement activities.   Advise on priorities, policies, and strategies-related equitable civic engagement and public participation in City decision making processes. 

DISABILITY RIGHTS COMMITTEE – Hear complaints filed by those believing disability rights have been compromised.  Meet as needed.

ETHICS COMMITTEE – Meet to hear and made recommendation regarding local government ethics complaints.  Meet as needed. 

LANDMARKS COMMISSION –  Oversees local Landmarks.  Meet the 1st Thursday evening of each month at 6:00 p.m.

LIBRARY BOARD.   Oversees management of Irvin L. Young Memorial Library.  Meets the 3rd Monday of each month.

PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  To provide advice and guidance to City Boards and Committees on bicycle and pedestrian related issues.

PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD –    Oversee Parks and Recreation programs, Whitewater Aquatic Center,   and promotes recreational opportunities within the City. 

PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION –   Reviews plans for development in City and hears requests for conditional use permits.    Meets 2nd Monday evening of each month at 6:00 p.m.

POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION. Oversees hiring, termination, promotion and demotion of sworn personnel.  Meets quarterly and upon call.

PUBLIC ARTS COMMITTEE.  Oversees public arts projects.

TECHNOLOGY PARK BOARD.  Oversees Whitewater University Technology Park.

URBAN FORESTRY COMMISSION.  Provides input relating to Urban Forestry matters and oversees Bird City USA designation.  Meets monthly.

Interested citizens are asked to complete a Citizen Interest form, which can be obtained from the City Clerk or from the City’s website; please click here.

Interest forms must be returned to:  City Clerk, P.O. Box 178, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190 (    The review of applications will begin on or about April 1, 2020.  For further information, please contact City Clerk Michele Smith at (262) 473-0102 or

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