City of Whitewater COVID-19 Update as of May 14

City Manager Cameron Clapper issued a press release on May 14 in reference to the changes made to the Safer at Home Emergency Order #28. Please click here to download the release, which includes links to many helpful resources.

Mr. Clapper states, “As most are aware, yesterday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the Safer at
Home Emergency Order #28. The Court determined that the order is subject to administrative rule-making, and because it was not established in rule, but rather it was established via order, the Supreme Court found EO #28 “unenforceable.” This ruling takes effect immediately.”

“As is the case with any municipal government, two fundamental objectives of the City of Whitewater are to first protect and preserve the health and safety of the community and second, to support local business growth and development. With these two objectives in mind, the City has issued the following release in response to the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision.”

Here are the highlights from the “For Residents and Visitors” section. There is another large section particularly addressing business concerns.

For Residents and Visitors:
The City of Whitewater encourages community members to adhere to health and safety guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Jefferson County Health Department, and Walworth County Health & Human Services Department. Follow key practices as outlined below.

  1. Practice social/physical distancing by maintaining at least 6 feet between yourself and others at all times, except
    when gathering with those within your own household;
  2. Avoid large gatherings, especially those where social distancing practices are not observed;
  3. Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer;
  4. Cover coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands);
  5. Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces;
  6. Avoid shaking hands;
  7. Stay home when sick, including with even mild symptoms, and discuss your health with your primary medical care
  8. If you are considered high risk due to age or a health condition, continue to remain safer at home and take
    precautions such as limiting travel to essential reasons and working from home as much as possible.

Municipal Facilities
Municipal facilities will remain closed to the public through June 1st and may extend as needed until a system is in place to ensure the safety of city staff and community from possible exposure. Further details and a timeline for incremental reopening will be released at a future date.

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