Happy Holy Week from FELC

First English Lutheran Church at 401 W Main Street has the following events, open to the public, during Holy Week:

 – Monday, March 25th 9:00 a.m. until Wednesday, March 28th at 9:00 p.m., the church will be open for a self-guided tour of the Stations of the Cross.  Enter off the parking lot, at the rear of the church and continue forward to the sanctuary for further instruction. Anytime, day or night, you are welcome to come, pray or meditate, and walk the Stations of the Cross with art and recommended scripture readings and prayers.

 – Thursday, March 29th at 7 p.m., all are welcome to our Maundy Thursday evening service.

 – Friday, March 30th at Noon, the Whitewater Ministerial Association’s Ecumenical Good Friday service begins at First United Methodist Church, 145 S Prairie Street, and continues to the Congregational Church at 12:45, First English Lutheran Church at 1:30, and concludes at 2:00 p.m.

 – Sunday, March 31st come celebrate Easter with us.  Breakfast is available from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and is free, worship services will be at 7:30 a.m. for our contemporary guitar service and the usual 9:30 am for the traditional service with choir and brass.

Confused by These Signs? Know Before You Go to the Polls

By Lynn Binnie
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff

The Banner does not take a position on political candidates or issues. The following information is provided since it appears that a number of citizens are puzzled by the “Vote No” signs that have appeared on some lawns. We would have also featured a “Vote Yes” sign in this article if we had seen one, but thus far, we have not. If a reader sees a “Yes” sign, please email the address to the Banner at whitewaterbanner@gmail.com.

Neither the city nor the school district is conducting a referendum on the April 2 election. Rather, there are two state constitutional amendments proposed on the ballot. According to the Movement Advancement Project, 19 states allow for citizens to propose such an amendment by initiative. Wisconsin does not have such a provision; instead, a constitutional amendment may only be considered when it has been passed by a majority of the members of both houses of the legislature in consecutive two-year sessions. The governor plays no role. After approval in the legislature, the voters must approve a referendum by a majority vote.

Question 1 reads as follows: “Use of private funds in election administration. Shall section 7 (1) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that private donations and grants may not be applied for, accepted, expended, or used in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum?”

Explanation of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment (provided by the Legislative Reference Bureau): This constitutional amendment provides that no state agency or officer or employee in state government and no political subdivision of the state or officer or employee of a political subdivision may apply for, accept, expend, or use any moneys or equipment in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum if the moneys or equipment are donated or granted by an individual or nongovernmental entity.

A “yes” vote – supports the changes to the constitution. A “no” vote – opposes the changes to the constitution.

This proposed amendment received the following support in the legislature. In 2022: Passed in the Senate by a vote of 21-11, and in the House with a vote of 58-32. In 2023: Passed in the Senate 21-10, and in the House, 60-35. The vote to place Question 1 on the ballot was along party lines with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed.

Question 2 reads as follows:  “Election officials. Shall section 7 (2) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that only election officials designated by law may perform tasks in the conduct of primaries, elections, and referendums?”

Explanation of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment (provided by the Legislative Reference Bureau): The constitutional amendment prohibits any individual other than an election official designated by law from performing any task in the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum.

A “yes” vote – supports the changes to the constitution. A “no” vote – opposes the changes to the constitution.

This proposed constitutional amendment received the following support in the legislature: In 2022: Passed in the Senate by a vote of 21-11, and in the House with a vote of 58-32. In 2023: Passed in the Senate 21-10, and in the House, 60-35. The vote to place Question 2 on the ballot was along party lines with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed.

Further information regarding the amendments may be found by entering your address at vote411.org. Under the section “about this measure,” click on “more information,” which includes arguments for/against each proposal, as well as individuals/organizations that support/oppose each amendment. That site will also show the candidates for the various races on your ballot, including their responses (if any) to several questions.

Spring Preschool Story Time Session Begins at the Library

The Spring session of preschool story time begins at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library on Wednesday, March 27 and will continue each Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. through May 15.  The story time is best for ages 2-6 but all ages are welcome. Children will enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement just right for preschool learning. Everyone is welcome to attend this fun, free story time. Registration is not required.

In addition to the library’s regular story time, a monthly program in Spanish will also be offered. The first session is Tuesday, April 9 at 11:00 a.m. Families are invited to attend for books and songs in Spanish. There will also be an activity and snack.

Además de la hora habitual de cuentos de la biblioteca, también se ofrecerá un programa mensual en español. La primera sesión es el martes 9 de abril a las 11:00 a. m. Se invita a las familias a asistir para recibir libros y canciones en español. También habrá actividad y merienda.

The Irvin L. Young Memorial Library is located at 431 W. Center Street in Whitewater. Contact Sarah French with questions at sfrench@whitewater-wi.gov or 262-458-2782. For a full listing of the library’s events, visit whitewaterlibrary.org.

This Week’s City Meetings

City of Whitewater Urban Forestry CommissionMonday @ 4:30 p.m.
Agenda includes tree sale.
Cravath Lakefront room 2nd floor 312 West Whitewater St
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 2385 3629
Passcode: 901402
Dial 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 831 2385 3629
Passcode: 901402

City of Whitewater Finance Committee MeetingTuesday @ 5:00 p.m.
Cravath Lakefront room 2nd floor 312 West Whitewater St
*In Person and Virtual
Citizens are welcome (and encouraged) to join our webinar via computer, smart phone, or telephone.
Citizen participation is welcome during topic discussion periods.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 5200 7447
Passcode: 897711
Or dial 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 883 5200 7447
Passcode: 897711

Our Readers Share: Steve Watson – “I never tire of spotting our very own eagle pair”

Steve Watson wrote on March 11, “Our local eagle paused for awhile this morning in Hillside Cemetery. Wind rustling its feathers. Sun rise on its face. I never tire of spotting our very own eagle pair.”

Our thanks to Steve Watson for sharing his recent spotting.

— Our Readers Share: We hope that you might have something that you’d be willing to share.  Anything that’s been created by someone else should, of course, be credited, and you should ask their permission if you’re able. We cannot post copyrighted material without permission. We can’t guarantee that we’ll have space for all submissions, and contributions will be subject to editorial board approval. The one definite exclusion is anything politically oriented. We will assume that you’re willing for us to include your name as the submitter unless you indicate that you prefer to remain anonymous. Send to whitewaterbanner@gmail.com. Thanks for thinking about this!

Spring Yard Waste Collection Begins April 1

The City of Whitewater – Department of Public Works will collect bagged leaves and yard waste the:

  • Week of April 1 – April 5, 2024
  • Week of April 8 – April 12, 2024
    *Dates may be subject to change in the event we experience accumulating snow during this time.

    Yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, and yard and garden debris. Yard waste must be bagged in 30 gallon or smaller biodegradable, clear or transparent bags only. Yard waste will not be collected if not properly bagged or placed in non-transparent or black bags. The City offers Bio-Bags, at the Finance Department window, in the fall only.

    Please place your bagged yard waste on the curb no earlier than Saturday, March 30, (for collection beginning on April 1) and April 6, (for collection beginning on April 8). All bags must be brought to the curb by 7:00 a.m., on Thursday, April 11, for collection by City staff.

    Residents may also use the compost site to dispose of bagged leaves and yard waste. The compost site will on open on Saturdays beginning April 6, from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and Wednesdays, starting April 10, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. The City will provide a loader for loading chips and compost beginning Saturday, May 4. This loader will be available on the first Saturday of each month until the site closes for the season.

    Residents requesting brush collection should call 473-0560 to make an appointment for pick up on Tuesdays.

    Brad Marquardt
    Director of Public Works

  • For other requests, visit https://www.whitewater-wi.gov/RequestTracker.aspx.

FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation Team Qualifies for State

The FFA Dairy Cattle Evaluation team competed at the regional Career Development Event (CDE) contest in Janesville on March 15th.

Pictured (l to r) is team of Katie Gillette, Emily Schmidt, Eloise Rohloff, and Payton Bunger. 

Students demonstrated their dairy cattle knowledge through a written assessment, evaluating and ranking classes of dairy cattle, and providing verbal reasons to judges for their evaluation rankings.

All our students scored well individually to earn an overall team ranking of 2nd place. Their 2nd place ranking qualifies the team for the state contest on April 25th at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. Congratulations to the team, and good luck at State. 

Article Submitted by Paul Majors and Allison Parsons
Whitewater High School Ag Teachers and FFA Advisors
pmajors@wwusd.org, paral01@wwusd.org

WHS Teacher Earns 2024 Herb Kohl Teacher Fellowship Award

Jason Bleck

Whitewater High School Math Teacher Jason Bleck has been honored with a 2024 Herb Kohl Teacher Fellowship award for his outstanding contributions to education and his positive influence on students.

The Herb Kohl Teacher Fellowship program celebrates and supports teachers and innovation in education across Wisconsin. It empowers educators to pursue their aspirations for enriching classroom experiences and professional development opportunities.

Jason and the 99 other teacher recipients will each receive a $6,000 grant to support their educational initiatives.

“Jason fosters an especially engaging learning environment for students and inspires them to achieve and challenge themselves,” said Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty, Superintendent of the Whitewater Unified School District. “We are so proud to celebrate this recognition of one of our amazing educators. He deserves this recognition and is a great role model for all students and colleagues in WUSD.”

In a broader celebration of educational excellence, the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation has announced 304 distinguished individuals—including students, teachers, and administrators—as recipients of its 2024 Student Excellence and Initiative, Teacher Fellowship, and Principal Leadership awards.

Established by the late Herb Kohl, former U.S. senator, philanthropist, and businessman, the Kohl Foundation award program has supported Wisconsin’s educational community since its inception in 1990. With nearly $38 million awarded to date, the foundation remains steadfast in its mission to recognize and uplift the invaluable contributions of educators, principals, students, and schools throughout the state.

For more information about the awards program, visit www.kohleducation.org