A quote from a past recipient of the Award:
“This is an incredible honor that has left me speechless.”
The year 2010 was the first year of presenting the Making Democracy Work Award to a community leader who has worked toward the goal of enhancing life in the Whitewater area through the recipient’s service. The first award winner was Jim Stewart, founder of the Whitewater Banner. Other recipients were Marilyn Kienbaum (2011); Michele Smith (2012); Anjie Kokan, Jorge Islas, Sandra Heyer and Marge Fischer (2013); Emma Lou Sederholm (2014); Marion Burrows (2015); Greg Stewart (2016); James Hartwick and Lacey Reichwald (2017) and Miguel Aranda (2018).
We are asking you to consider nominating a person for this award. Though the past honorees have made worthy contributions, there are others who should be recognized who reflect the League’s values, such as diversity, equity, inclusion and informed civic engagement. You may pick up a nomination form at the September 19 League meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building. This year the award will be presented at the League’s Holiday Dinner on Sunday, December 1. Please submit your nominations to Virginia Laurent by the deadline, November 1.
The work and accomplishments of all previous recipients of the League’s Making Democracy Work award can be viewed on our website. (http://lwvwhitewater.org/making_democracy_work.html)