City of Whitewater to Flush Hydrants Monday, September 23 to Friday, September 27

The City of Whitewater – Water Utility will begin its semi-annual water main and hydrant flushing program on Monday, September 23 through Friday, September 27, 2019.  Flushing of water mains is necessary in order to continue to deliver clean, safe water to our citizens. If we have repairs more than expected throughout the week, we may have to continue flushing into the following week.

Flushing of water mains and hydrants can cause some discoloration of the water. Caution should be exercised in washing of white clothing. Discoloration of the water due to flushing WILL stain white clothing. We notify the public in all local media outlets; therefore, we cannot be responsible for stained clothing. If discoloration is detected, run the cold-water faucet until the discoloration clears. While we are still flushing in your area, the water may take a while to clear up. You may want to wait until we have left the area and the water settles down before running your water tap.  If reduced pressure is experienced after flushing, you may have to clean the aerators on your house faucets.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during water main and hydrant flushing. 

Questions may be directed to the Water Utility at 473-0560.

Discover Whitewater Series (DWS) Set for September 22

On Sept. 22, 2019 race participants of all ages will take off from the starting line of the seventh annual DWS in Whitewater.

“DWS is made possible from the help of our generous sponsors and volunteers.” DWS Executive Director Jeffery Knight said. “It is amazing to see the community come together to provide the best experience possible for the runners.”

Below is a list describing everything to expect race day weekend.

  • Pre-race dinner: DWS provides a complimentary pre-race dinner for race participants on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. The dinner is in the Hamilton Room of the University Center on the UW-Whitewater campus and is provided by A’viands. On-site registration will be made available during the dinner.
  • Race day activities: The activities start at 6 a.m. with on-site registration and free to participants, the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at 6:30 a.m. For a full schedule of the day, visit:
    • Wheelchair Division start is 7:55 a.m.
    • Half marathon/half marathon relay start is 8 a.m.
    • 5K start is 8:15 a.m.
  • Additional pacers added: This year we have added an additional eight pacers to the half marathon. There will be a total of 16 pacers running the course in bright green shirts, so they’re easy to spot. Participants can run with pacers to keep a steady pace during the 13.1 miles.
  • FREE childcare: DWS offers Kids Korral, a free childcare service, from 7 – 11 a.m. for racers and volunteers during race day. The Kids Korral is possible due to the combined effort of the UW-W’s College of Education & Professional Studies and the student organization Creative and Resourceful Educators (CARE). Kids Korral is for children six months old to 10 years old, and the staff strives to provide fun activities in a safe environment. All children must be registered, and this can be done at
  • W3 Fit Kid Shuffle: Every year DWS partners with Working for Whitewater’s Wellness (W3) to host the Fit Kid Shuffle. Fit Kid Shuffle is a one-mile fun run for children 10 years old and younger. This year the Fit Kid Shuffle will have a superhero theme, and all children are encouraged to come wearing their favorite superhero attire. The Fit Kid Shuffle will begin at 9:15 a.m.
  • Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony is split up between the half marathon, half marathon relay and 5K. First, second and third (men and women) place finishers of the half marathon will receive a cash prize, $50 gift certificate to The Black Sheep in Whitewater and a trophy. All finishers of the half marathon, half marathon relay and 5k will receive a medal. This year, upon crossing the finish line, race participants can pick up their award once the times are certified and posted. Awards will be recycled if they are not picked up by the end of the awards ceremony.
    • 5K awards start at 9:45 a.m.
    • Half marathon and half marathon relay awards start at 10 a.m.
  • Dry Needling and massages: This year, Mercyhealth Hospital is providing a booth that offers runners and spectators a complementary dry needling and a 5-10 minute massage. The Mercyhealth tent will be located next to the Whitewater High School’s football field bleachers.
  • Post-race party: This year’s post-race celebration will again take place at 841 Brewhouse, located at 841 E Milwaukee St in Whitewater. Participants can come to get one free glass of either beer, wine or soda. The party is 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center: Race participants will be given a free day pass to the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center. The center is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and is located at 580 South Elizabeth Street, attached to the high school.

“Our team does its best to make every race day an event the whole family will enjoy and remember,” DWS Race Director Dawson Miller said. “By providing things like the Fit Kid Shuffle, Kids Korral and the Aquatic Center day pass, there’s something for everyone.”

Monthly newsletters are emailed to participants and volunteers of the race. Message the DWS team on Facebook or email us at to receive the newsletter and stay up to date on all things involving the race.

For more information about the DWS contact Jeffery Knight by email, or by phone, 920.728.0662.

About the DWS
The goal of the DWS is to promote the City of Whitewater and highlight its greatest features. All the proceeds from the race are donated to five local non-profit partners: Bethel House (which provides interim housing for homeless families), Working for Whitewater’s Wellness, Whitewater Unified School District, Whitewater LEADS and the J-Hawk Aquatic Club. The DWS partners with the city, business community, university and the school district to make this a tremendous event that benefits all who participate. For more information about the race visit For general race inquires email

Public Library to Offer Free Narcan Training on September 16

Irvin L. Young Memorial Library
Narcan Training
Monday, September 16, 6pm – 7pm

Learn how to recognize and respond to an overdose. Free training on Narcan, the life-saving drug, will be provided.

Hidden in Plain Sight, a drug awareness display, will be available for viewing from 5:30-7:00 pm. The program itself begins at 6:00 pm.

Free Narcan will be provided, if needed.

For more information, call 920-674-7232.

Parents Invited to WHS Open House September 16

Save the date! Parents are encouraged to visit the high school on Monday, September 16, from 5:45 until 7:36 for the second annual open house! 

Parents will begin in the auditorium promptly at 5:45 with a large group welcome, and then they will have the opportunity to walk through their student’s schedule, meeting briefly with the teacher for each period. 

Parents should print off a copy of their student’s schedule from the IC Parent Portal in advance, so they can follow it as the students do every day. Each class will last 8 minutes with a passing time in between of 3 minutes. Parents may attend with or without their student.

5:45 pm – 5:55 pm
Auditorium – Large Group Welcome and Information

6:00 pm -7:36 pm
Classrooms – Parents will walk their student’s schedule and visit with teachers
Period 1 – 6:00-6:08
Period 2-  6:11-6:19
Period 3-  6:22-6:30
Period 4-  6:33-6:41
Period 5-  6:44-6:52
Period 6-  6:55-7:03
Period 7-  7:06-7:14
Period 8-  7:17-7:25
Period 9-  7:28-7:36

Contact Principal Mike Lovenberg at 262-472-8100 or with questions.

Upcoming City & Community Meetings: Week of September 16 – 22

Irvin L. Young Library Board of Trustees – Monday, September 16, 2019 at 6:30 PM; Irvin L. Young Memorial Library – More Information

Whitewater School Board – Monday, September 16, 2019 at 6:30 PM; Central Office of Whitewater Unified School District – More Information

Whitewater School Board Policy Review Committee – Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 8:00 AM; Central Office of Whitewater Unified School District – More Information

City of Whitewater Common Council – Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM; Whitewater Municipal Building – More information

League of Women Voters Program: The State of the City and the School District

League of Women Voters, Whitewater Area invite you to the first fall program : The State of the City and the School District

Please make plans to join us on Thursday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. for the annual State of the City and School District program to be held in the community room on the first floor of the city municipal building. This will be the kickoff to our fall and winter programming provided by City Manager, Cameron Clapper, District Superintendent Mark Elworthy, and District Business Manager Matthew Sylvester-Knudtson.

City Manager Cameron Clapper has indicated that some items he will present will include a brief overview of city finances, ongoing projects such as the lake drawdown and new amphitheater, as well as sharing some successes that have occurred since his last address.

Dr. Elworthy will update us on district accomplishments and plans for the upcoming school year. The state of the school budget will also be highlighted by District Business Manager, Matthew Sylvester-Knudston.

A question and answer period will follow at the end of each program as time allows. Please join us and invite your friends. We are grateful to the staff of the City of Whitewater for also filming and making a digital broadcast available of this program for those who may not be able to attend in person. Please encourage your friends, neighbors and community members to use this as an opportunity to engage and be better informed about the community in which we live.

Removal of Dying Ash Trees a Big Challenge for City Staff

While many City owned ash trees will hopefully be saved by the ongoing administration of emerald ash borer treatment, the trees that were not deemed to be appropriate for treatment have died or are actively dying. The Streets, Parks & Forestry staff has already removed 30 ash trees located on tree lawns or other city property this year. City Forester Brian Neumeister indicates that this work will continue into the fall, but there are 150 trees still on the list for removal.

Art by WAA Members at CAC November 7 to December 8; WAA Seeking Artists

Whitewater Arts Alliance Logo

The annual Whitewater Arts Alliance Members Show (and sale) will be exhibited at the Whitewater Cultural Arts Center, 402 West Main Street, from Thursday, Nov. 7 to Sunday, Dec. 8.  Except for Thanksgiving week (11/28 – 12/01), the gallery will be open Thursday through Sunday each week from 12:00 to 5:00 P.M.  The Whitewater Arts Alliance invites the public to an opening reception on Sunday, Nov. 10 from 1:00 – 3:00 P.M.  Viewing the exhibit is free of charge and open to everyone interested in the visual arts.

The WAA Members Show welcomes art pieces by Whitewater Arts Alliance members in any 2-D or 3-D medium completed during the last two years. The Alliance encourages each participant to submit three to four pieces.  All participants will be entered in a blind drawing for a free 2019 WAA membership.  The drawing will be Sunday, Nov. 10.

Anyone can become a member of the Whitewater Arts Alliance by completing a membership form and choosing a contribution level.  Check out and click on “get involved” and “membership” for more details.

From Nov. 7 to Nov. 24, show visitors will also have an opportunity to vote for their favorite pieces on exhibit.  When visitors enter the exhibit, docents will give each visitor a set of four adhesive stickers. While viewing the art pieces on exhibit, the viewers will place one or more of their stickers on the white cards beside their favorite pieces.

Participating members of the Whitewater Arts Alliance are to bring their art and completed forms to the Cultural Arts Center gallery on Sunday, Nov. 3 between 3:00 and 5:00 P.M.  Current files of the insurance form and the licensing form are on the WAA website on the “forms” menu. Artists are to pick up their art pieces after announcement of the viewers’ choices on Sunday,   Dec. 8 at about 2:30 P.M.

Exhibit Guidelines

1.   Submitted pieces should represent work done during the last two years.

2.   Submitted pieces must be original. If a piece references or reproduces a photograph, the artist is to have taken the original photograph(s).

3.   Submitted 2-dimensional pieces must be wired and ready for hanging. 

4.   Pedestals are available for 3-dimensional pieces, but if a display case is needed, the artist is to provide it.

5.   Members may submit up to a maximum of four pieces.

6.   Complete the licensing contract to merchandise images (  At the WAA website, click on “Forms” and then click on “Members’ Show Licensing Agreement.”

7.   Complete the general insurance release form for liability while pieces are on exhibit at the CAC (  At the WAA website, click on “Forms” and then click on “Members’ Show Insurance Release.”

8.   At the bottom of the insurance release form, you will find information tags for three art pieces.  Complete one of the tags for each art piece to be submitted for the show.  Attach the tag so that it can be viewed easily from the front.

9.   Bring art pieces, completed forms (items 6 and 7 above) to the CAC gallery on Sunday, Nov. 3 between 3:00 and 5:00 P.M. or at another time by special arrangement.

10.   Attend the opening reception on Saturday, Nov. 10 from 1:00 to 3:00P.  The gallery will be open from 12:00-5:00 P.M.

11.   Pick up art after announcement of viewers’ choice art on Sunday Dec. 8 after 2:30 P.M.

The Cultural Arts Center is located on 402 West Main Street in the historic White building near the Birge Fountain. Parking is behind the building. An elevator is available for access from the parking lot entrance.  

The mission of the Whitewater Arts Alliance is to promote the visual and performing arts through an alliance of artists, individuals, educational resources, and organizations to promote creativity and diversity that will serve to educate and enrich the lives of the residents of the Whitewater community and surrounding areas.

Protecting Your Business from a Cyber Attack

Thursday 9/19 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Fort Healthcare Auditorium, 611 Sherman Ave. E
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 *Parking and main entrance: Armenia Street

Learn strategies to keep your clients, employees, and businesses safe from cyber attacks at the upcoming Fort Atkinson Chamber’s Lunch and Learn. Join Brian S. Dennis, Director of the newly formed Cyber Security Center for Small Business at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater for this presentation. The Lunch & Learn is free to the first 25 Fort Chamber members who register and is $10 for non-members. RSVP required. Call 920.563.3210 .