Upcoming City & Community Meetings: Week of February 25 – March 3

Urban Forestry Commission Meeting Monday, February 25, 2019, at 4:30 pm at the
Whitewater Municipal Building – Cravath Lakefront Room 2nd Floor (More Info, incl. Agenda)

Whitewater School Board Meeting – Monday, February 25, 2019, at 6:00 pm at the Whitewater Unified School District Central Office (Agenda)

Seed Capital Screening Committee – Tuesday, February 26, 2019, at 4:30 pm at the Innovation Center, Room 105 (More Info incl. Agenda)

Community Involvement & Cable TV Commission – Tuesday, February 26, 2019, at 5:00 pm at the
Municipal Building- Cravath Lakefront Room- 2nd Floor (More Info incl. Agenda)

Finance Committee Meeting – Tuesday, February 26, 2019, at 6:00 pm at the Whitewater Municipal Building (More Info incl. Agenda)

CDA Board Meeting– Thursday, February 28, 2019, at 5:30 pm at the Innovation Center, Room 115 (More Info incl. Agenda)

43rd Fish-A-Ree a smashing success

The Whitewater Lions would like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to making our 43rd Whitewater Lions Fish-A-Ree a smashing success.

Whether you donated funds, raffle prizes, or just came out to partake in our breakfast and fish-a-ree fun, your participation is greatly appreciated. There were some nice fish pulled through the ice and the weather was pretty cooperative this year. It was great to see all the families that came out to spend the day together.

All profits made from the event will be donated back into our community later this year.

Thank you, Whitewater! Together we are a wonderful community!

A Star is Born – Tuesday, February 26 at 12:30 PM, Seniors in the Park

The classic film story, in its fourth retelling (1937, 1954, 1976, 2018) : An aging musician (Bradley Cooper) helps a younger singer (Lady Gaga) find fame and fortune, even as his age, alcoholism, and drug abuse sends his own career into a downward spiral. 5 Golden Globe nominations: Best Film, Director, Actor, Actress, Song. Oscars nominations coming…

When: Tuesday, February 26 at 12:30 PM

Where: Seniors in the Park

Movie Information: Rated R (language, some sexuality, nudity; substance abuse); 2 hours, 16 minutes (2018)

The Community Space hosts Mural Painting party on February 23

Mural Painting Party!
Saturday, Feb. 23, 1-6 pm

Join us at the Community Space this Saturday, Feb. 23, 1-6 pm, for a Mural Painting Party and Open House at 834 E. Milwaukee St. in Whitewater. Drop in any time to help us paint our mural-to-be, check out our new space, and enjoy sweet and savory treats from the SweetSpot.

Many thanks to Studio 84 for providing this creative community opportunity. For more information >>

Whitewater 3rd Grade Zor Shrine Circus trip a hit with families

The Whitewater 3rd Grade Zor Shrine Circus Trip has occurred annually for 47 years. Thousands of Whitewater 3rd graders, siblings, and parents have attended this event over this time period.

This year, over 110 kids and parents had a great time at the Circus on Saturday, February 16th at the Madison Veterans Memorial Coliseum. This is all made possible because of the generous contributions from local area businesses and individuals. The Zor Shrine Circus wishes to thank the following 2019 sponsors:

  • Aurora Deck Lighting
  • Binning & Dickens Insurance
  • Brennan & Steil, S.C.
  • Burtness Chevrolet
  • DLK Enterprises, Inc.
  • First Citizens State Bank
  • Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital / Mike & Kristin Wallace
  • Frawley Oil Company
  • Hawk Bowl
  • HSI Rentals
  • Jefferson County Daily Union
  • Kachel Financial Group / Cetera Financial Specialists
  • Ketterhagen Ford
  • Knight Public Affairs
  • Leif Knudsen, CPA, S.C.
  • Provisur Technologies
  • Whitewater Manufacturing
  • Wisconsin Dairy Supply, Inc.

A special thanks to Nelson Bus Service & Culvers of Whitewater for providing transportation and lunch for all of the attendees.

Whitewater Schools closed Wednesday, February 20, 2019

From Mark Elworthy, District Administrator:

Due to the weather conditions, all Whitewater Unified School District schools will be closed Wednesday, February 20. All after school events are cancelled.

De parte de Mark Elworthy del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Whitewater:

Debido a las condiciones climáticas, todas las escuelas del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Whitewater estarán cerradas el miércoles, 20 de febrero. Todos los eventos después de la escuela también son cancelados.

Engaging Our Differences and Similarities – An interfaith dialogue hosted by Whitewater Congregational UCC

“Engaging Our Differences and Similarities”

Congregational United Church of Christ, Feb. 24th 11:15 am

Rick Rupprecht, Director of Faith Formation at St. Patrick Church in Whitewater will share a 45-minute presentation about the history of the Catholic Church and some of the similarities and differences between Catholicism and protestant denominations.

This is the 3rd in a series of programs presented by the Congregational United Church of Christ to help us understand other faiths. The session will begin with a potluck at 11:15 am on Feb. 24th at the church (the one with the clock spire), 133 S. Franklin St. Whitewater, WI. The congregation has explored Islam and Buddhism in previous seminars. Join us for lunch and stay for the chance to learn more about our neighbors.

For more information call the church (262) 473-4101 or check out our facebook page Whitewater Congregational UCC.

Sahyun Honored with NCWIT-Wisconsin Aspirations in Computing Award

Gwynne Sahyun has been selected as a 2019 NCWIT-WI Affiliate Winner of the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing

Gwynne Sahyun has been selected as a 2019 NCWIT-WI Affiliate Winner of the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing.

Gwynne is a hardworking, intelligent, and friendly Whitewater High School junior who helped form the FIRST Robotics team Ferradermis and served as a strategy co-captain for the team for two years. This year she is the electrical co-captain. She helps mentor Lego League at a local school and is doing outreach to other schools. She plans to study engineering and computer science. Gwynne is part of the Wild Rumpus Circus and enjoys making chainmail and painting. She has traveled to 4 countries and competed on the U.S Team at the World Gym Wheel competition in Switzerland. She is currently taking AP Physics and Microcontroller Programming. Gwynne also competes annually at the MSOE and Marquette computer programming contests.

In addition, Laura Masbruch, WHS Computer Science Teacher, will receive an NCWIT-WI Educator Honorable Mention Award for 2018-2019. Both will be honored at an event at Alverno College on Sunday, May 5.

Pair Nominated for FIRST Robotics Dean’s List

Article by Laura Masbruch

Ryann (Rosie) Aschenbrener and Colin Chenoweth were nominated this year for the FIRST Robotics’ Dean’s List Award

Dean’s List is a FIRST Robotics award named for founder Dean Kamen which celebrates “outstanding student leaders whose passion for and effectiveness at attaining FIRST ideals is exemplary.”

Ryann (Rosie) Aschenbrener and Colin Chenoweth were nominated this year by the mentors for Whitewater High School’s robotics team Ferradermis and are now considered semi-finalists.

Rosie’s mentors trust her to do anything at any time and do it well. She has become our all-around specialist. If Rosie sees that a young team member is hanging back and nervous to jump in, Rosie will invite them in. Rosie has worked with electronics, mechanical, competition logistics, and has served as human player (and professional cart puller) on the drive team. She also led the charge to raise over $18,000 in two weeks by making cold calls and personal contacts when the team qualified for Worlds in 2018, which allowed her teammates to travel to Detroit free of charge.

Colin joined as a freshman when our team was just forming and earned the immediate respect of the mentors not only for his intellectual abilities but also for his work ethic. Colin served as a member of the drive team as a freshman and as the electrical captain for his sophomore year; this year he took on the role of CAD co-captain. This summer, Colin took a lead role in our first ever boot camp, introducing incoming freshmen to the use of CAD and helping them prototype a Frisbee shooter. Colin is a quiet leader; he leads by example, and it is obvious that he has earned the respect of his teammates. They respect his intellect, they respect his creativity, and they respect his playful spirit.

Rosie and Colin will be interviewed by judges at the Wisconsin Regional in Milwaukee in late March.