Fort Fire Dept. Recommends Burn Ban After Recent Brush Fires

Fort Atkinson Fire Department responded to a brush and marsh fire that grew out of control in Oakland Township on Sunday.(WMTV)

After a reported five-plus acre marsh fire on Sunday in the Town of Oakland to which the Whitewater Fire Department provided mutual aid, the Fort Atkinson Fire Department recommended to all of the towns in its territory to suspend approving any outdoor burning. The department stated, “Over the past week, multiple large brush and marsh fires have occurred in the county, and the current [extremely dry and windy] conditions are making outdoor burning exceptionally dangerous.”

WMTV-15 reported on Sunday regarding the marsh fire, which fortunately was extinguished before it reached a nearby home. “Officials say the fire started when embers from a debris burn in a burn pit were carried by strong winds into the adjacent marsh,” WMTV reported.

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