Bev Bonge-Ganser Recognized for 10 Years of Service as Bethel House President

Ron Binning (R) presenting Bev Bonge-Ganser with the certificate of recognition shown at the right
City Manager Cameron Clapper presenting Bev with a municipal commendation

On August 8, 2022, Bev Bonge-Ganser was recognized for her 10 years of service as President of Bethel House, Inc.

Ron Binning, President of the Whitewater Rotary Club, presented her with a Certificate of Recognition and Whitewater City Manager Cameron Clapper presented her with a Municipal Commendation.

Bethel House is an ecumenical project helping families facing homelessness in Whitewater.  Bethel House provides transitional housing and case management to families in need.

For more information, visit

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