Primary Election Today (Tues., Feb. 16) – State Superintendent of Public Instruction & Whitewater Unified School District Board

In the February 16 primary election voters may choose only one of the seven candidates for State Superintendent and up to two candidates for Whitewater Unified School Board. The two candidates with the most votes for the state position and the four candidates with the highest vote totals for the local positions will advance to the general election on April 6.

There is only one polling place for the city, the Downtown Armory, 146 W. North Street. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. A photo ID is required in order to vote. Citizens may register to vote at the polls if they have lived in the same residence for at least the past 28 consecutive days. Proof of residence must be provided.

Our thanks to the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and the League of Women Voters – Whitewater Area for permission to publish the responses to their candidate questionnaires for State Superintendent of Public Instruction and Whitewater Unified School District Board. These responses are also available on, where comparisons may also be made between candidates. Spanish translations of the candidates’ answers for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction may also be found on that site.

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