By Lisa Dawsey Smith
Whitewater Banner volunteer staff
The Common Council’s meeting on October 20 adjourned after only 18 minutes, which was described as being the second shortest meeting in recent memory.
City Manager Cameron Clapper provided this update:
– The city will soon be submitting for reimbursement of COVID-19 related expenses from the Routes to Recovery state program that is funded by the federal CARES Act. Over $300,000 in costs have been booked, so the city hopes to receive its maximum potential reimbursement of $242,611.
– The Finance Committee has completed its three budget review meetings, and staff is completing the final 2021 budget proposal to be presented to the Council on November 5.
– In-person absentee voting is under way in the council chambers. As of October 16 there had been 2255 absentee ballot requests, and 1269 ballots had already been returned.
– Leaf collection will begin on Monday, October 26.
The Council authorized the submission of an application for a Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Community Development Investment Grant which has been requested by the property owner of 183 W. Main Street, commonly known as the White Elephant building. The grant, if approved, would help to provide funding for a major renovation of the building. The required matching funding would be provided by the property owner.
Council member Carol McCormick was excited to announce that work had been completed on Clay Street, and “it looks terrific.”