WUSD Celebrates Successful First Year with New Science of Reading Instructional Practices

Editor’s Note: The following was provided by the Whitewater Unified School District.

The Whitewater Unified School District (WUSD) reports positive outcomes from student assessment data tied to the new Science of Reading (SOR) instructional practice, a research-based model for early literacy instruction.

Spring outcomes data shows that the district moved from 31.6% of students K-5 performing at or above grade level in the Fall before implementation to now 53.6% of students performing at or above grade level in the Spring. From fall to spring WUSD also saw a decrease of 22% in students reading below grade level benchmark. This work was intentional and required extensive planning, professional development, and commitment from the educators, Literacy Coaches, principals, and the Department of Teaching and Learning, all in consultation with Schools Cubed to implement new practices that reach all students. The new practices were all implemented while going through a process to select next year’s SOR-aligned curriculum ahead of the requirements for Act 20 in the state of Wisconsin. In short, this is just the beginning. 

The data comes from the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment, which measures children’s foundational skills, including fluency and comprehension. “We are thrilled to see such a positive impact on our students’ literacy development in such a short period,” said Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty, Superintendent. “Science of Reading has proven to be a transformative approach, and these early indicators suggest we are on the right path to achieving our goal of improved literacy outcomes. I can’t credit the amazing staff of WUSD highly enough with this work!”

SOR is grounded in decades of cognitive science research and was introduced to provide a more effective approach to teaching reading. This strategic initiative aims to equip students with essential reading skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for academic success and lifelong learning.

To learn more about WUSD’s literacy programming and alignment with the Science of Reading, please visit https://www.wwusd.org/page/science-of-reading.

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