Whitewater Police Department Seeking Federal Funding

Editor’s note: The following press release was provided by the City of Whitewater.

Whitewater Police Seek Federal Funding

The Whitewater Police Department has been working to creatively address staffing needs within the police department to meet demand for law enforcement services. In June, the department submitted a grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office. The grant, entitled FY24 COPS Hiring Program, is intended to advance public safety through community policing by funding additional full-time law enforcement positions to meet agencies’ community policing strategies. Whitewater Police have requested funding for three additional law enforcement positions through the grant. If granted, the funding will enable Whitewater Police to hire three additional officers, each supported by $125,000 over a three-year period. This initiative promises to strengthen community bonds and ensure a brighter, safer future for Whitewater.

Editor’s note: The following additional information was included in the Common Council agenda packet on May 7, 2024.

The CHP provides funding to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire additional sworn officers in an effort to increase community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. Agency requests for officers are capped at 20% of actual sworn force, and the maximum federal share per officer position is $125,000 over the three‐year funding period. Agencies are required to cost share at least 25% and are required to pay a progressively larger share of the cost of the award with local funds over the award

Staff would plan to request three officers with the following cost breakdown per officer (based on the assumption that the total annual cost per officer is approximately $105,000):
2025: Federal share: $60,000 per officer ($180,000 total)/City share: $55,000 per officer ($165,000 total)
2026: Federal share: $40,000 per officer ($120,000 total)/City share: $75,000 per officer ($225,000 total)
2027: Federal share: $20,000 per officer ($60,000 total)/City share: $95,000 per officer ($285,000 total)

The City would be responsible for the full cost of each officer after the three‐year funding period. The City
is required to retain the additional positions for a minimum of 12 months beyond the three‐year funding

The Common Council at the May 7, 2024 meeting unanimously passed a motion to approve the submission of the grant application.

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