Whitewater High School Students Zach Brantmeier, Cassie Hoxie, and Wesley Salverson, spoke to the Kiwanis Whitewater Breakfast Club on Tuesday about their robotics group, Ferradermis, and received a $500 contribution from the club. Representing 46 high school students, the youth shared information about the robot that they created and competed with in Milwaukee and LaCrosse. The group goes to Detroit for the World Championship next Tuesday.
The Ferradermis team is currently fundraising for its trip to Detroit for the FIRST Championships from April 24 through April 29. If you would like to help support the team financially, the school district has established a PayPal donation system for the team which can be accessed at ferradermis.org. If you have electrical, mechanical, CAD, or programming experience and are interested in helping mentor the team next season, please contact Laura Masbruch at lmasbruch@wwusd.org.