WHS Presented Fall Concert: Why We Sing

Cadenza Singers
Bel Canto Choir
WHS Choir

The WHS Choirs presented their Fall Concert “Why We Sing” on October 18th in the James M. Stewart Auditorium at Whitewater High School under the direction of Mrs. Karen Tordera.  The students from the Bel Canto Choir, Cadenza Singers, and Music Masters Ensemble performed songs that highlighted the reasons we sing. Ms. Kathy Schereck was the collaborative keyboard artist and fiddler Eric Funk added a country feel to a song sung by Cadenza Singers. The Choirs collected items for a community baby shower which were donated to The Community Space in Whitewater. Congratulations to the WHS Choirs on a fine concert and a big thank you to all who donated to the community baby shower!!  (Concert Photos Credit: Tom Ganser) 

Editor’s note: This announcement was provided by Karen Tordera.

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