WHS Esports Team Qualifies for State

In December, Whitewater High School’s new Esports Team started their Winter season through the WIHSEA (Wisconsin High School Esports Association). Coach Justin Buntrock created 3 teams, a Varsity Rocket League team and 2 Varsity Fortnite teams. One Fortnite team played on Tuesday nights and one played on Wednesday nights.

Fortnite is an FPS Battle Royale, survival style game, where you and your teammates drop into a large map along with several other players. As time progresses in the game, the storm (large circle) continues to get smaller and smaller. This forces the players to move closer to the center of the map as they continue to battle and fight to be the last survivor.

This season, there were over 30 teams from schools across the state. WHS played in “Trios” or teams of three. Points were tallied up after every game based on placement each week and kills per team per game each week.

Whitewater’s Wednesday night team placed 5th out of over 200 teams across the state of Wisconsin, thus qualifying for State, which will be held at 4:00 p.m. on February 21st. This will be round one of potentially three to find the best team in the state!

Article Submitted by Justin Buntrock
Whitewater High School Head Esports Coach

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