Who Are the Candidates for WUSD District Administrator?

Kellie Bohn, with son Cooper (Genoa City district website)

Kellie Bohn

Kellie Bohn began her career in education teaching music and band in both Clintonville, WI and Whitewater, WI. After receiving her Masters’ Degree from UW-Madison, she became the Middle School Principal at Brookwood Middle School, Genoa City — a position she held for fourteen years. In 2015 she became the Superintendent of the Genoa City Jt. 2 School District.

The Genoa City Jt. 2 School District is a 4K-8th grade district in Southeastern Wisconsin. Although the district website states, “Both schools have consistently earned the state report card rating of “Exceeds Expectations,” per the WI Department of Public Instruction Accountability Report Card for 2018-19, released in November, 2019, Brookwood Elementary School received a rating of 77.7 (“exceeds expectations”), and Brookwood Middle School received a ranking of 63.5 (“meets expectations”). The district served 526 students between the two schools. Presumably most middle school graduates from the district would enroll at Badger High School or New Visions (public) Charter School in Lake Geneva.

Per the Genoa City district website, “in addition to holding licenses for Principal, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Superintendent, Ms. Bohn is a Past-President of the WI Association of Middle Level Educators. She has presented at conferences on the topics of assessment, beginning teacher programming, the referendum process and time/task management.”

Caroline Pate-Hefty

Caroline Pete-Hefty

Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty has been in education for nearly twenty years, most of which appears to have been focused on the area of special education. She currently serves as the Director of Student Services at Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview School District 89, a role she has been in for seven years. Per the district’s website, the focus of Student Services is serving students with disabilities. District 89 has an enrollment of approximately 4800 students, K-8th grade, and is located in metropolitan Chicago, south of O’Hare Airport. The district has six “commendable schools” and three “underperforming schools,” per https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/District.aspx?districtId=06016089002

Dr. Pate-Hefty previously served as the Director of Special Education at Harlem (IL) Consolidated School District from 2008 to 2013. A state audit of the district during that period is reported to have prompted changes in special education. Ms. Pate-Hefty has also gained experience by serving as Principal of Walter Lawson Children’s Home, which serves persons with intellectual disabilities, for a year and a half and serving as a teacher for six years. She holds a Doctor of Education degree from National Louis University (2017), a Master of Arts degree from Concordia University (2007), and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin (2002). Dr. Pate-Hefty holds a Superintendent Endorsement for Illinois. (Source: https://www.fsd145.org/Page/3300)

Dr. Pate-Hefty’s LinkedIn biography states, “…responsible to oversee and support 9 schools serving 5000 students. I am a passionate educator with extensive district level experience; excellent communication, problem solving, human capital management and finacial management skill. Strong commitment to educational excellence for all students.”

Please see the post titled, “WUSD School Board Announces Two Candidates for District Administrator” for an invitation to community forums next Tuesday and Wed., 4/21-22 to introduce the candidates. There is also an opportunity to submit questions online through noon on Thurs., 4/16, although questions may also be submitted online during the forums.

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