Whitewater’s summer middle school bilingual program focuses on service learning

Summer school was a bit different for students in Whitewater’s middle school four-week bilingual afternoon program this year.  Service learning was the focus.  Community partnerships were established that encouraged students to give back through a variety of projects while learning important skills.  Students visited the Whitewater Nature Preserve where they learned about invasive species and assisted in the removal of garlic mustard.  The Ice Age Trail of Walworth County provided students an opportunity to learn about this national trail while working on trail maintenance.  Students also visited Whitewater’s Effigy Mounds Preserve and had a chance to be immersed in the history of the sacred grounds.  Another project students enjoyed was creating artwork for the Bethel House.  After learning about joy and discussing what brings joy, students created canvases that displayed this feeling. Students rounded out their final week by assisting in the Lincoln Elementary School Garden where there were interactive lessons and some garden projects to attend to.  About 15 students participated in these unique experiences.  Even though the projects challenged students, they enjoyed the opportunity to give back to their community.

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