Unique Business Competition Announced: Whitewater Wind Up

The Community Development Authority (CDA) for the City of Whitewater is excited to announce a unique business competition in partnership with the University of Wisconsin Whitewater (UWW) Enactus, a student-led organization that harnesses business strategies for social good.

This innovative competition, backed by a generous allocation of $160,000 from the CDA, aims to foster entrepreneurial spirit and economic growth within Whitewater. The competition will be a platform for budding entrepreneurs to receive essential support and training in business planning and other critical areas. Over several weeks, participants will be guided through a series of development stages, culminating in a public presentation where their business concepts will be evaluated.

City Manager, John Weidl, commented on the initiative, “This is exactly the type of bold initiative that will position Whitewater as a credible hub for innovation and public-private collaborations. It’s about bringing community-driven business ideas to life and catalyzing real change.”

A unique feature of this competition is the entire community’s direct involvement. Alongside a panel of expert judges, interested community members will have a say in the ranking and scoring of the business presentations via web-based application. This approach not only empowers local voices but also ensures that the selected businesses align with the community’s needs and aspirations.

Eligibility for the competition is focused on startups and new business ideas within key areas of the community, including the downtown sector and other economically significant locations in Whitewater. The competition is open to reimbursement for projects that lead to successful location in Whitewater and startup, encompassing a variety of activities, from interior and exterior improvements, equipment, and rent or down payment reimbursement. The aim is to bring innovative and impactful business ideas to fruition, boosting the local economy.

While detailed programmatic aspects will be finalized in an upcoming CDA meeting, this initiative marks a significant step towards cultivating a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in Whitewater, in collaboration with the dynamic and forward-thinking students of UWW Enactus. If you have initial interest in this program please fill out our interest form here: https://forms.gle/ZoNtyXLTUbphkUtDA

Editor’s note: The above press release was received from the City of Whitewater. The Banner appreciates having permission to use the image on the homepage by Paul Brennan from Pixabay.

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