Whitewater Unites Lives to Mind the Gap This Summer

Editor’s Note: The following was provided by Whitewater Unites Lives.

Whitewater school district families in need will benefit from generous donations from the community. Donations have been accepted at the UCC Congregational Church for the Mind the Gap program for Whitewater Unites Lives (WUL). The goal of $13,000 has been exceeded, thanks to our generous community. Walmart gift cards are being purchased through the Scrip program at the First United Methodist Church and will be distributed twice this summer to families in need to purchase lunch food for their children. The goal of the program is to help families when school is not in session. The Whitewater Unified School District provides lunches during the summer school as well as the regular school year so the goal is to help families when school is not in session.

Thank you to all of the donors who made this possible!  For more information please contact whitewateruniteslives@gmail.com.

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