In this lecture, Lisa Huempfner discusses a small group of men in Spain, who promoted women’s education about 100 years ago.
The talk will be held on Friday, January 4, from 10:30 – 11: 30 am at the Whitewater Senior Center (Starin Park Community Bldg. 504 W. Starin Rd., Whitewater, WI) and open and free to the public.
Please call 262-473-0535 to register for this FREE event.
Women’s Education in Spain: Small Group, Big Contribution:
At a time when our society is once again reminded of gender disparities via the #metoo movement, it may come as a breath of fresh air to learn of a project to advance women’s education taken on more than 100 years ago in Spain by a group composed largely of men. Men who saw the fate of their country tied closely to the incorporation of all of its citizens, male and female, into public life. This presentation will trace the many initiatives taken on by this group—known as the Institución Libre de Enseñanza– to promote women’s education in Spain and bring their country to