Whitewater Community Fundraising Partners Presents Check

(l-r): Mary Kay Nelson, Caroline Pate-Hefty, Kiefer Sullivan, Lanora Heim, Rita Hookstead, and John Pio. Missing from the photo are WCFP members Ronnie Walenton, Richelle Walenton, Cheri Zimdars, Jamie Gwaltney and Kelly McGuire.

Per a press release by Whitewater Community Fundraising Partners:

In this time of COVID-19, with the loss of jobs, families are struggling more than ever to pay their mortgages, rent, food, utilities and simple daily living expenses. Simply put, times are tough for many people.

The Whitewater Community Fundraising Partners (WCFP) is a 501(c)(3) organization which was formed by the 1982 graduating class of Whitewater High School. Since its inception three years ago, additional WHS alumni and community members have joined the group to help make an impact in the community. The mission of Whitewater Community Fundraising Partners is to help individuals or organizations in need. Each year WCFP works to help specific individuals or groups. Throughout 2020, they will be raising funds to help the homeless youth in the Whitewater School District.

On June 28, 2020, WCFP hosted Whitewater’s first ever ‘social distancing’ run/walk. Through sponsorships, community member’s donations, and participant donations, $5000 was raised. It is with great excitement that Vice President Kiefer Sullivan, Treasurer Rita Hookstead, and members Mary Kay Nelson and John Pio presented a check for $5000 to District Administrator Caroline Pate-Hefty and Student Services Coordinator Lanora Heim.
WCFP would like to thank the City of Whitewater, UWW Police, sponsors, and those who donated to make this donation possible.

For additional information on WCFP, please visit our website: www.whitewatercfp.com

If you would like to make a donation to WCFP, please send your check to PO Box 182, Whitewater WI 53190. We can also be reached at whitewatercfp@gmail.com

Keep an eye out for our 2nd fundraiser later this year. WCFP is tentatively planning a spaghetti dinner (may be a ‘social distancing’ curbside pick-up event).

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