The 2023 Whippet Girls’ Swim season has officially started. The Whippets competed at Conference Relays at Badger on Thursday, August 31. And let us be the first to tell you…these girls sure made a splash!

Georgia Esch, Atreya Wilson, Lucy Davis, and Zoe Zei competed in the 200 Medley where they swam some impressive splits. We are looking forward to them swimming even faster times this season!
We had some new Whippet swimmers compete in their first ever high school swim meet. We were excited to cheer on Adalynn Frye, Payton Peacock, Zoe Zei, and Marijose Verduzco. It was awesome to see them take everything they’ve learned in practice and apply it in a meet!
The Whippets took on the 1000 Freestyle Crescendo with a lineup of Maggie Maas, Charlotte Hajewski, Emerson Dunham, and Makayla Bazeley. They took home some new hardware of a 3rd place finish! The same group placed 2nd in the 100 Backstroke Relay with a time of 4:53.66. Maggie Maas had an impressive split of 1:15.89, and that was with no goggles. Makayla Bazeley’s lead off split was quick enough to put her second all-time on the Whippet Top 10 list!

Two Whippet Relays faced off against one another in the 400 Freestyle Relay. We saw noticeable time improvements from our practice meet to now. Some noticeable splits would include Payton Peacock (23 second drop), Sanibel Fox-Simes (7 second drop), Zoe Zei (21 second drop), Adalynn Frye (22 second drop), and Atreya Wilson (9 second drop).
We are so excited to see what the rest of the season holds for each of our Whippet Swimmers!
Article and Photos Courtesy of Sarah Reynolds
Whitewater High School Head Swim Coach