Need Help Keeping Warm? Warming sites listed

For anyone who is in need of a place to keep warm, there are unfortunately very few shelters in the area that have been posted as being available on Sunday or even after business hours on weekdays.
In an urgent situation, 24/7:
– 211 is an information and referral phone number
– City of Whitewater Police: (262) 473-0555 option 4 or 312 W. Whitewater St.
– Walworth County Health & Human Services: 262-741-3200
– Jefferson County Health & Human Services: 920-674-3105

Walworth County provides a list of libraries that can serve as shelters. None are open on Sundays. Whitewater’s Irvin L. Young Library, 431 W. Center Street, is open Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Jefferson County Office of Emergency Management has published a shelter list in the Daily Jefferson County Union. The only locations that are indicated to be open on Sunday are the Watertown Public Library, 100 S. Water St., Sunday 12 – 4 p.m.; Metroflex Gym Lobby, 1417 Industrial Ave., Jefferson is open Sunday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Rock County has the most extensive list of warming sites, with the following introduction:

Emergency Warming/Cooling Sites

(Download the PDF list of Warming Sites and Overnight Sites for 2024/2025)

A press release will be issued with specific dates/locations when warming OVERNIGHT sites are activated. Warming sites are activated overnight when temperatures drop below 0 degrees.

Click the link above for additional resources on DAYTIME warming sites. 

Uptown Janesville (formerly the Janesville Mall) is open on Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.
The Milton Public Library, 430 High Street, is open Sunday from noon to 4 p.m.

Editor’s note: The Banner appreciates having permission to use the image on the homepage by S K from Pixabay.

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