Editor’s note: The following announcement was provided by the Irvin L. Young Library.
Steve Person will be at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library on Tuesday, October 24 at 5:30 p.m. for the “Victorian Undertaker” presentation, which focuses on Victorian funeral and mourning customs, including a display of mortuary and embalming equipment and instruments. Adults and teens are welcome to attend this free event.
It was during the Victorian Era that the ritual of death became increasingly sophisticated and this period saw the development of the modern cemetery, morticians, and public funeral complete with floral arrangements and the hearse for transportation of the deceased. The “Undertaker” of the Victorian Era was the forerunner of today’s funeral director. Many of the traditions that are observed in our funeral process today came to be from superstitions of the 1800s.
Steve Person retired after 47 years as a funeral director. During this time, he has developed an interest in the history of the funeral industry, especially during the Victorian Era.
The library is located at 431 W. Center Street in Whitewater. There is no cost or registration to attend. Contact Sarah French with questions or accommodation requests at sfrench@whitewater-wi.gov or 262-568-2782.