Communicating Health In Practice (CHIP), a health organization at UW Whitewater raised awareness of the cessation of smoking on March 20 and 21. Students offered “Quit Kits” to other students which included packages containing gum, sunflower seeds, and even tic tac. The goal was to show students and staff that there are other ways to not smoke, which is a habit that can lead to so many negative health effects. The organization has also been working on creating an on-campus,tobacco-free policy. Organization Treasurer and UWW Senior Tanner VanDrisse stated, “there are so many things that can harm students in today’s world if we can help prevent one way to die, we certainly will try with all our might.”
Organization members have also raised awareness on drinking and driving, as well as cyberbullying and look forward to continuing their efforts in the Whitewater community.