UW-Whitewater Students Conduct Undergraduate Research

WHITEWATER, WI (08/16/2023)– The following students conducted research at UW-Whitewater during the 2022-2023 school year.

  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Alex Abplanalp who is majoring in Psychology, presented “Research Compliance Administrator” while mentored and supervised by Donna Kempf while participating in the following program(s): Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program.
  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Elbee-Fae Ascherl who is majoring in Women’s and Gender Studies – Bachelor of Arts, presented “Trans-forming Healthcare: Developing Inclusive Healthcare Environments” while mentored and supervised by Stephanie Selvick while participating in the following program(s): Spring Undergraduate Research Day, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, and Fall Undergraduate Research Day. Ascherl won the Research in the Rotunda 2023 award for this project.
  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Danielle Klais who is majoring in Environmental Science – Bachelor of Arts, presented “Evaluating methods for determining thermokarst lake extent changes over the period 2001 – 2020” while mentored and supervised by Rocio Duchesne while participating in the following program(s): Spring Undergraduate Research Day, Fall Undergraduate Research Grant, and Spring Undergraduate Research Grant.
  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Michaela Nitka who is majoring in Geography, presented “Paleontology of Faunas from Initial Transgression to Deep Marine, Cretaceous (Albian) of Central Texas” while mentored and supervised by Rex Hanger while participating in the following program(s): Spring Undergraduate Research Day and Spring Undergraduate Research Grant.
  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Connor Rohde who is majoring in Chemistry – Bachelor of Science, presented “Carbon Capture by Icelandic Basalts: A Potential Way to Address Global Climate Change” while mentored and supervised by Pajukti Bhattacharyya while participating in the following program(s): Spring Undergraduate Research Day.
  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Evan Schepp who is majoring in Environmental Science, presented “The Mesoscale Conditions that Contributed to the development of the Morton, Texas Tornado on 23 May 2022” while mentored and supervised by John Frye while participating in the following program(s): Spring Undergraduate Research Day, Fall Undergraduate Research Grant, and Fall Undergraduate Research Day.
  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Carter Waelchli who is majoring in Theatre Education, presented “It’s not like a Video Game:” Grounded and the influences of its Sound Design.” while mentored and supervised by Ruth Conrad-Proulx while participating in the following program(s): Spring Undergraduate Research Day and Group Grant.
  • 53190 Whitewater, WI: Jon Zheng who is majoring in Biology – Bachelor of Science, presented “Phylogenetic Diversification of Mpox and Related Poxviridae” while mentored and supervised by Robert Kuzoff while participating in the following program(s): Spring Undergraduate Research Day, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Fall Undergraduate Research Grant, and Fall Undergraduate Research Day. Zheng won the Birch and Aspen award for this project.

The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) offers a variety of programs aimed to connect students with faculty mentors and provide them with enriching research opportunities. This can be in the form of working alongside a mentor as a student researcher, or creating independent, student-led projects with a mentor’s help.

Undergraduate students from all majors are able to apply and participate in the various programs, grants, and opportunities that the URP offers, and many take part in undergraduate research every year. URP supports inquiry-driven research scholarship and creative activity, and provides grants, research fellowships, and travel support to undergraduate students and faculty mentors.

“The Undergraduate Research Program is a high-impact practice that gives students the opportunity to apply their knowledge outside of the classroom and dive deeper into their field of interest,” said Ana Caballero Mengibar, director of the Undergraduate Research Program. “It stimulates critical thinking, helps to improve communication and problem solving skills, and advances both individual and collective knowledge. Students participating in the Undergraduate Research Program have higher levels of acceptance rates to graduate school, increased graduation rates, and they are more likely to find jobs upon graduation.”

To find information about the Undergraduate Research Program, visit https://www.uww.edu/urp.

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