The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s Department of University Health and Counseling Services will host “Can I Kiss You?”, a presentation by WHS/UW-W alum Mike Domitrz, this Thursday, April 25, at 5 p.m. at Summers Auditorium in the University Center on campus.
Domitrz, an author and award-winning speaker, will present a high energy, inclusive program for providing how-to skills for teaching consent, respect in relationships, bystander intervention, and addressing sexual assault.
Admission to the event is free. Food, free t-shirts, and giveaways will be on hand.
Domitrz, who founded The Center for Respect, works closely with students, parents, and educators across the country to produce national initiatives resulting in revolutionary change in America’s approach to dating, respect, and intimacy.
Domitrz served as UW-Whitewater’s May 2023 commencement speaker.