Trio Attends Engineering Summit at MSOE

A trio of Whitewater High School students, Chacha Binagi, Erison Dreksler, and Rae Breisath spent the week from July 21-26 at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) for the MSOE Explore Summit for Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Students.

Chacha Binagi, Erison Dreksler, Rae Breisath

Each day, the students attended two class sessions on different areas of engineering that can be studied at MSOE, participating in lectures and projects. Areas covered included chemical/biomolecular engineering, biomedical engineering, computer science/software engineering, computer engineering, civil engineering, architectural engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. During one of the workshops, students built their own miniature robots. 

In the evenings, students participated in fun activities including a comedy show and bingo. They also participated in a field trip to learn about cybersecurity. 

Each student received a $1000 scholarship from MSOE renewable for four years should they choose to attend that university. All three will be juniors at Whitewater High School this fall and are members of the Ferradermis FIRST Robotics Team. They qualified to attend the free summit as students enrolled in the PLTW Introduction to Engineering course at WHS last year.

Article Submitted by Laura Masbruch
Whitewater High School PLTW Teacher and Robotics Advisor
Photo Courtesy of Tori Breisath

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