The Last Bugle Call

We honor and remember the following Whitewater area veterans who passed away since last Memorial Day. “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” General George S. Patton.

29 May 2023 – 27 May 2024

Brian K. Beck
James W. Benes III
Joseph J. Campbell
Albert F. Danz, Sr.
Laurence W. Delaney
Muril T. Fields
Robert A. Fuerstenberg
Gerald W. Lehto
Ed McManaway
Perry D. Moyer
Gerald G. Nell
Robert O. Nelson
Robert C. Obney
David H. Papcke
Jack H. Papcke
Grant E. Rice
Kurt A. Troemel

We apologize if we have omitted the name of any veteran. It is not intentional. We only know what we see reported in the media and other sources.

Steven R. Smith, Adjutant, William Graham Post 173, Whitewater American Legion

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