Summer Reading Program / Programa de lectura de verano

Editor’s Note: The following information was provided by Irvin L. Young Memorial Library.

The Irvin L. Young Memorial Library announces its summer reading program: An Ocean of Possibilities

‘Tis the sea-son for summer readin’ at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library. Join us between June 15th and July 31st for free events, crafts, and activities. Play Book Bingo to earn free books and visit the library every week to receive a bit of treasure or passes for more adventures.
Open to youth ages 4-18.
Join us for our kick-off party on Wednesday, June 15th from 3:00-5:00 p.m. We’ll have crafts, games, activities and popsicles!

Programa de lectura de verano
Del 15 de junio al 31 de julio

‘Es la época de lectura de verano’ en la Irvin L. Young Memorial Library (Biblioteca Conmemorativa Irvin L. Young). Súmense a nosotros del 15 de junio al 31 de julio para disfrutar eventos gratuitos, manualidades y actividades. Jueguen al Book Bingo para ganar libros gratuitamente y visiten la biblioteca todas las semanas para recibir pequeños tesoros o pases para otras aventuras.
Abierto a jóvenes de 4 a 18 años.

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