Students Honored with NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Award

Three current and one former Whitewater High School student were recently honored by the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) with the Aspirations in Computing award. Senior Jazmin Cederberg and former student Arsonic Webster-Barczak were named Wisconsin Winners, while Senior Dayna Carlson and Freshman Ace Hudec earned Wisconsin Honorable Mentions. All four have studied computer science extensively at WHS and are members of the Ferradermis FIRST Robotics Competition Team.

Dayna Carlson, Ace Hudec, and Jazmin Cederberg

The students will be honored at an awards ceremony at the Milwaukee School of Engineering on May 7 that will feature college booths, many young IT professionals with whom students can network, and a keynote speaker. Students will receive a medal and a prize bag filled with goodies from local businesses and organizations that value each student’s accomplishments and applications.

NCWIT is a non-profit community of more than 1,400 universities, companies, non-profits, and government organizations nationwide working to increase the meaningful participation of girls and women in the world of computing. NCWIT helps organizations recruit, retain, and advance those who identify as women or non-binary from K-12 and higher education through industry and entrepreneurial careers by providing community, evidence, and action. They do this by providing opportunities to awardees for networking, career development, and community-building.

Article and Photo Submitted by Laura Masbruch
Whitewater High School Computer Science Teacher and Banner Volunteer

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