Stories of Service – A Curated Display of Photographed Tattoos

Roberta’s Art Gallery will host “UW-W Veteran Services Tattoos: Stories of Service,” a curation of photographed tattoos from servicemen and women within our armed forces. The exhibit will run from November 1 – 22 and hopes to educate the public about tattoos within the military. The exhibit highlights the importance of tattooing within the military, educating viewers on the social aspect of the art, as well as introducing personal stories about tattoos and the meaning behind them. 

Tattooing often holds a negative stigma; however, the prevalence of this art within the military is quite surprising. This exhibit provides insight into the purpose behind tattoos and the conversation around veteran support and care. UW-Whitewater Veteran Services Coordinator, Kris McMenamin stated, “tattoos are often overlooked and underappreciated when it comes to our servicemen and women.” These tattoos are much more than a layer of ink under the skin – these are the stories of many battles fought to protect our freedoms, the hardship of a life full of conflict, and the challenges of overcoming pain in order to find normalcy in a life after war. With so many important stories on display, our exhibit looks to present these tattoos in a setting where they can no longer be ignored, and instead be fully appreciated and honored.

Uniforms, flags, and other military-inspired items will be displayed alongside the photographed tattoos to best represent each of the six branches of the armed forces: The Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guards, Marines, and Space Force. Highlighting these tattoos will allow the public a glimpse into the purpose they hold, and spark conversations about the importance of veterans being able to express their stories. The community members that are represented share their tattoos, with each one holding a different personal meaning – that meaning can act as a form of recognition, and often holds a therapeutic purpose of remembrance. 

An important aspect discussed during the planning of this exhibit was the mental health and support of our veterans. Tattoos, like the ones seen within our gallery, tell a story that words cannot. These deeply personal pictures and artifacts from the military represent a collective experience of struggle, sacrifice, and honor through serving our country. Some of the mementos displayed alongside the photos are two canteens, an Army Patrol Cap and a few camouflage working uniforms – which come from the Air Force, Navy, and Marines. The Patrol Cap comes along with a pin, and similarly, the marine working uniform has a selection of pins and ribbons with it. Photography projects similar to ours such as “Service Ink” by The Veterans of Foreign Wars look to encourage veterans to talk about their stories via their tattoo art. Also, programs like “Operation Tattooing Freedom” look to provide free tattoos to veterans as a means of cathartic release for those struggling with PTSD or chronic pains. Historically, the members of the military have expressed their stories through tattoos, and we are here to share those stories with you!

Roberta’s Art Gallery is located on the first floor of the James R. Connor University Center (UC) at UW-Whitewater. The gallery collaborates with campus departments, student organizations and community groups in coordinating and sponsoring exhibits. In the semester, our hours are Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., and closed Saturday & Sunday.

Roberta’s Art Gallery prides itself on all of their exhibits being free and open to the public. Receptions are currently being held in-person with light refreshments provided. Attending certain events can earn students class credit. To be featured in Roberta’s Art Gallery, contact us for a proposal request. Reach us at or (262) 472-3193 or visit our website for any questions or inquiries.

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