Skelly’s Roadside Stand is Standing Us Up

For the past several years there’s been a popular fresh fruit and vegetable stand in the BP gas station parking lot on West Main Street. Apparently it hasn’t been popular enough, as Jim and Kathy Schumacher kindly passed on to the Banner the sad news that Skelly’s indicates they are not returning to Whitewater this year due to insufficient sales. Their closest stands, which open on July 5, will be in Janesville: 1) Milton Avenue at the Creston Park shopping center, near Office Max, and 2) Pontiac at the former Pontiac Convention Center.

There will still be two local options for fresh produce:
City Market at the train depot on Tuesdays from 4-7 p.m.
Farmers Market at the train depot parking lot on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon.

Our thanks to Jim and Kathy for passing on this tip.

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