The Left Hand of God – Wednesday, December 19 at 12:30 PM, Seniors in the Park

At a remote Catholic mission in 1947 China, arrives a man in priestly robes: the long-awaited “Father O’Shea” (Humphrey Bogart).
Though seemingly uncomfortable with his priestly duties, Father O’Shea’s tough tactics prove very successful in the Seven Villages, as around them post-World War 2 China disintegrates into civil war and revolution. But Father O’Shea has a personal secret, and his friendship with the mission nurse (Gene Tierney) also seems to be taking on an unpriestly tone. Also stars Lee J. Cobb, E.G. Marshall, and Agnes Moorehead. This beautiful, under-spoken film is rarely seen on TV.

When: Wednesday, December 19 at 12:30 PM

Where: Seniors in the Park


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