Reimagining Women: Images of Gender from Ancient Peru, Friday, March 2, 10:30 am

The pottery and textiles of Ancient Peru evoke political worlds and religious ideologies through the use of iconography that is both technically complex and visually stunning.  Our language used to describe these images, however, has focused on “lords,” “priests,” “warriors,” etc. leaving open the question “Where were women in these social worlds?” Traditionally, only a few sex characteristics and cultural attributes such as breasts and certain hairstyles have been used to identify a very small portion of images as female. A combination of new discoveries and new ways of thinking about gender, however, allow us to identify many more images as female or feminine, reimagine the roles of women in the ancient Andes, and begin to think about gender in far more nuanced ways.

Please register in  advance for the presentation on Friday, March 2, 10:30 am at the Starin Park Community Building, 504 W Starin Rd, by calling 262-473-0535

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