According to a story on 15WMTV, “On Saturday, March 22 residents who live on Lower Hebron road in Jefferson County say they woke up to their street spray-painted with racial slurs and symbols.
Tom Torre, who lives on Lower Hebron, said this isn’t the first time it’s happened in the area and he’s tired of it. ‘We were shocked and it’s not something that is unusual around here as it has been an issue for at least the last two years,’ said Torre. ‘To be honest I think it’s kids that are involved in this…we don’t need to see it… we have families out here that we’re trying to raise and do good in this world.’ ”
WMTV reported that the marks had been covered over by Saturday afternoon. Per the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, no arrests have been made.
Editor’s note: Lower Hebron Road intersects County Highway N just beyond the Bark River. It was not reported as to where on Lower Hebron Road the graffiti appeared.