Public Invited to Robotics Competition at Kettle Moraine High School on June 25

Looking for some fun, free family entertainment? Come learn about the world of FIRST Robotics as Whitewater High School’s FIRST Robotics Competition Team #6574 Ferradermis competes with and against 13 other teams in the Laser Lights Off-Season Event at Kettle Moraine High School on Saturday, June 25. The competition will kick off at 9 a.m. and continue through late afternoon.

Ferradermis (#6574) takes the field for a match during the regular season.

Off-season competitions are a chance for teams to introduce newer members to new roles and responsibilities on the team, and in the more relaxed atmosphere, you will find teams ready and willing to take the time to talk about their robots with the general public. In addition to watching matches, you can stroll through the pits and talk with students and mentors.

Ferradermis will be entering two robots in this particular competition – the fully-functional robot they competed with during the 2022 regular season, and a second bot that is simply a swerve drive base. Swerve, a drivetrain in which all four wheels are independently driven and steered, is a project the team has wanted to tackle for a long time. Entering the drive base in an off-season event will give the students a chance to learn to drive this very different system while having fun playing defense on the opposite alliance.

Can’t make it to Kettle Moraine High School on Saturday? The team will be competing in Manitowoc on Saturday, July 16, but will be back in the area for another competition at Mukwonago High School on Sunday, July 24.

Article and Photo Submitted by Laura Masbruch
Whitewater High School Robotics Advisor and Banner Volunteer

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