Photos courtesy of Doug Anderson

Whitewater Fire and EMS, in conjunction with the City of Whitewater Parks and Public Works Departments, conducted a controlled burn inside the Effigy Mounds Preserve on Wednesday, March 13.
Fire & EMS indicated that this training opportunity was a dual-purpose event: “Conducting live fire exercises in a controlled environment gives our firefighters the experience needed to perform their job functions safely and efficiently when called to an emergency. All of the tools, strategies, and tactics used in a prescribed fire can be applied to suppression activities when we are called to duty in an emergency. Moreover, the application of prescribed fire will help control invasive plant species and reduce timber litter. Not only does this make the park a pleasant spot for everyone to enjoy; it also reduces the amount of dead vegetation/fuel load to help reduce the chance of a significant fire occurring on the property.”
It was reported that the burn was conducted around all but three of the effigy mounds. Burning at those mounds was deemed to represent a potential risk to residences in relatively close proximity.