Our Readers Share: Steve Watson – A Yellow-Headed Blackbird

Male Yellow-Headed Blackbird [Steve Watson photos]

Steve Watson writes, “Here’s a bird I heard about last year, but never saw until this July. 

A Yellow-Headed Blackbird. 

They’re shy and hang out in marshes, making their nests out in the reeds and grasses in the water. On my daily walks I could hear an unusual bird call coming from out on the marsh (what used to be Cravath and Trippe Lakes), but didn’t know it was this. 

These photos are from Trippe Lake trail. Hope you enjoy.

Juvenile demanding food. Dad cringing.
I’m waiting.
The juvenile being fed. The juvenile flew over to a nearby tree to wait for mom and dad to feed it. Both parents were flying back and forth from a bird feeder nearby to feed the squawking ungrateful offspring. 

Our thanks to prolific nature photographer Steve Watson for sharing more of his work.

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