Our Readers Share: Crystal Singer – A Hawk in the Backyard {Update: Wrong bird ID}

Update 1/17/24 @ 5:00 p.m. – Peter Underwood, former Whitewater resident now living in Arizona, indicated that we misidentified this bird as a falcon, stating that, “it is in fact an immature Cooper’s Hawk, a very common backyard hawk across the country. (Peregrine would rarely if ever be seen in Whitewater area.)” Our thanks to Peter for this correction.

Crystal Singer discovered this beautiful bird in her backyard on Saturday morning, January 13.  

Our thanks to Crystal Singer for sharing these beautiful photos of her backyard discovery.

— Our Readers Share: We hope that you might have something that you’d be willing to share.  Anything that’s been created by someone else should, of course, be credited, and you should ask their permission if you’re able. We cannot post copyrighted material without permission. We can’t guarantee that we’ll have space for all submissions, and contributions will be subject to editorial board approval. The one definite exclusion is anything politically oriented. We will assume that you’re willing for us to include your name as the submitter unless you indicate that you prefer to remain anonymous. Send to whitewaterbanner@gmail.com. Thanks for thinking about this!

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