LWV Program Introduces Electronic Poll Books to Be Used for Elections This Year

Michelle Ebbert
Heather Boehm

Editor’s note: The following press release was received from the League of Women Voters – Whitewater Area.

January 18th Program on the Use of Electronic Poll Books in City of Whitewater 2024 Elections

Please join us in person on Thursday, January 18, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., at the Irvin L Young
Memorial Library, 431 W Center St, Whitewater, for a public program on the use of
“Badger Books” in the City of Whitewater elections beginning this year. This is not a training for poll workers but a general information program for all City of Whitewater voters. Learn what will be new when you vote in April and meet our new city clerk Heather Boehm!

The City of Whitewater is transitioning from the use of paper poll books to electronic poll
books. In keeping with the League’s mission to inform voters of election changes, two
months ago we invited then Whitewater City Clerk Karri Anderberg to speak on the use
of “Badger Books,” which is the electronic poll system to be used in 2024 elections to
check in voters, print tally slips, enter registrations, and record absentee voters. After
Karri resigned in early December, Fort Atkinson City Clerk Michelle Ebbert, kindly
offered to fill in. We have since confirmed that our very newly hired Whitewater City
Clerk, Heather Boehm, will be in attendance at this program, available to address any
City of Whitewater specific election concerns. Refreshments will be served and there
will be ample time for Q&A.

Our main speaker, Michelle Ebbert, has served as the Clerk/Treasurer/Finance Director
for the City of Fort Atkinson since September 2014. She has several years experience
working with Badger Books in Fort elections and has been an advocate for municipal
support for the devices.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages
informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of
major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Visit our website at https://my.lwv.org/wisconsin/whitewater-area and like us on

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