LETTSEW K9 Fest 2020

Submitted by Paul Essock

This past Saturday (July 25th) members of Jefferson county K9 Units had the opportunity to participate in the Law Enforcement Training Team of South Eastern Wisconsin (LETTSEW) K9 Fest 2020 in Jefferson.  This is an annual fundraising event for area law enforcement K9 units. Due to COVID-19, this year’s event was notably scaled back. 

The LETTSEW K9 Foundation supports K9 units in law enforcement and educates the communities they serve and protect.  These communities include Whitewater PD, Fort Atkinson PD, Lake Mills PD, Watertown PD, UW- Whitewater PD and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. 

These small community K9 units have always been “for the community, by the community” which means that the unit is NOT taxpayer funded.  “We are incredibly fortunate to receive support from individuals and groups like LETTSEW K9” said Chief Aaron Raap of the Whitewater Police Department.

Morning activities included a Golf Scramble and Motorcycle Ride.  Whitewater PD officer Stuppy and K9 Tilla along with Chief Raap (pic 1) attended a meet and greet during registration for the a.m. events  In the afternoon attendees were treated to a K9 Demonstration that included obedience, an article search, a narcotic search, a bomb/explosive search and ended with a show stopping apprehension.  Participating in the demonstration were Lake Mills PD officer Adams and K9 Truman (pic 2), UW- Whitewater PD officer Servi and K9 Truus (pic 3), Jefferson County Sheriff’s Deputy Gukich and K9 Balko (pic 4) as well as Deputy Jansen, K9 Gader and decoy Deputy Jason Hacht (pic 5).  (Pic 6) Onlookers meet the K9 Teams participating in the demonstration.

IN 2020 LETTSEW has facilitated the purchase of a K9, paid emergency medical expenses and supplied training equipment to the units represented. Look for additional events including Beer Booze Meat and Pull Tab Raffle, Bingo, Sock Hop and in the spring a Gala.   If interested in joining the LETTSEW K9 team, please contact us at 920-650-0088,  email at lettsewk9@gmail.com or find us on Facebook @ Lettesewk9 Foundation

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