Hungry to help others? Head to Jersey Mike’s Subs on Wednesday, March 26 and grab a sub!
Whether in-store or on the app, 100 percent of your purchase will support Special Olympics
Wisconsin. Every single dollar in sales—not just profit—on March 26 from 47 statewide Jersey
Mike’s locations will go to Special Olympics Wisconsin. It’s all part of Jersey Mike’s nationwide
15th Annual Day of Giving.
Jersey Mike’s locations nationwide give 100% of ALL sales on Day of Giving as part of the
company’s annual Month of Giving campaign in March. During this year’s Month of Giving in
March, Jersey Mike’s hopes to surpass last year’s record-breaking $25 million fundraising total.
Proceeds support more than 200 local charities across the country striving to fulfill their missions
and make a difference. Since 2011, Jersey Mike’s Month of Giving has raised more than $113
million for local charities. Day of Giving is Jersey Mike’s busiest day of the year, with some crews
arriving at 4 am!
Throughout the entire month of March, customers can round-up at the register and make a
donation for Jersey Mike’s food and drink coupons. Make those lunch and dinner plans early
and often the final week of March!
WHY: Jersey Mike’s is committed to “Giving…making a difference in someone’s life.” Buy lunch,
dinner or a catered meal and Jersey Mike’s will pay it all forward. For more information, please
visit our website or join the conversation at #JerseyMikesGives.