Happy #FlashbackFriday and an early Valentine’s Day from the Whitewater Historical Society! Shown: Two Whitewater Valentines of the past

Pictured here are two Whitewater Valentines of the past: Harlan P. and Ada M. (Daring) Goodman.
Harlan (1843-1937) and Ada (1858-1949) were married in July 1901 in Whitewater’s Methodist Church. Both had moved to the area with their families at a young age from New York State. They resided until their deaths just down the block from the church on Prairie Street. A Civil War veteran, Harlan was especially proud of having been present for Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address. Locally, Harlan owned a photography studio, operating out of both Whitewater and Palmyra for over 30 years. Many of the Society’s photographs from the early twentieth century feature his studio’s stamp.

Join us next week for more from the Whitewater Historical Society collections!

The Whitewater Historical Society collects, preserves, and interprets the history of Whitewater and the surrounding area. Be sure to join us next week for more from the Society’s collections. Please “like” us on Facebook, and check out our website at whitewaterhistoricalsociety.org!​

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