Food Drive Thank You

For more than 30 years the National Association of Letter Carriers has sponsored the largest volunteer one day food collection effort to “Stamp Out Hunger.” This food drive is to help relieve shortages that food pantries experience in the spring and summer after holiday donations have been depleted.  Food pantries need our help. One in eight children in the United States-approximately 13 million- are, or may, experience food insecurity. When USPS employees join with people in their neighborhoods to support local pantries, it helps hard-hit families put food on the table.   

We are excited to announce that 5100 pounds of food was delivered to the Whitewater Food Pantry on Saturday, May 11th, because of the generous people of Whitewater!

Our local sponsors included: Whitewater 4-H, Whitewater FFA, Richmond 4-H, LaGrange 4-H, PremierBank, Kwik Trip, Casey’s General Store, Festival Foods, TopCon Agriculture Americas, Jenny & Jerry Meiners Family, Linda Giorno & Ben Bradley, Ralph & Laurie Giorno, The Whitewater Community Food Pantry, and The Whitewater Post Office.

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