#FlashbackFriday with the Historical Society: Summer Scene on Main Street including Birge Fountain

It’s time once again for #flashbackfriday with the Whitewater Historical Society. The last of our summer street images is this postcard that is dated 1906. It is a lovely look west along Main Street featuring the Birge Fountain, which just celebrated its 120th birthday! Again, note how the trees dominate the image.

The postcard was sent to announce the funeral of someone who had just died. Like text messages today, postcards were often used to send quick messages of interest to people when calling long distance on the phone was very expensive and a letter took more time to write.

Join us next week when we begin a series of photos taken by our late member George Scharfenberg of businesses from the 1990s and early 2000s.

#2278PC, Whitewater Historical Society

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